Speedfan 4.22


Speedfan en version 4.22 est disponible. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, SpeedFan est un logiciel qui permet de surveiller la vitesse des ventilateurs, les températures et les tensions d’alimentation. 

La liste des changements est la suivante (c’est en anglais mais ça se comprends facilement) :

– fixed temperature reporting for SCSI drives that do not fill all the relevant fields
– added full support for FINTEK F75383 and F75384
– added full support for FINTEK F75373S
– fixed a misdetection of some IT8712F and IT8702F
– added japanese translation and fixed hungarian one
– identified a new version of WINBOND W83627HF
– fully fixed and verified NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR LM85, ANALOG DEVICES ADM1027 and ADT7463 and SMSC EMC6D103 PWM speed settings
– added advanced settings for MAXIM MAX6657 (some Asus or Samsung P35 users might find them useful)
– fixed administrator privileges issue when installing
– fully fixed WINBOND W83627EHF support for fan speed changing
– fixed W83627EHF FANDIV4 and FANDIV5

Télécharger la version 4.22 de speedfan.


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